I got a new helmet for Christmas. I got the ABUS GameChanger Flip Flop Purple. This was a Christmas gift from my wife. This one actually is getting exchanged through because one of the straps that attaches to the helmet is not fully stitched. there may only be 5 stitches in the loop that attaches the strap to the helmet. The company that it was bought from answered the day before Christmas saying that they were sorry for this and will get a replacement sent out on Monday. Very cool customer service.
The color is amazing on this. The flip/flop color from teal to purple is awesome. The pictures do not do this any justice what-so-ever in showing off the color. The helmet is road specific, but I will be using it on my gravel bike which also have purple and titanium rainbow parts that will match well with this helmet. Got to be matchy matchy right?
I am by no means a speedy biker, I like to take my time, so the aerodynamics of the helmet to not matter to me. BUT I do like the fact that this helmet does not make me look like a mushroom head. It is more form fitting and not as bulky as my other helmets. This might be because this help does not have MIPS like my other helmets do. ABUS is one of the better/best helmet manufactures out there so I am going to trust their studies and knowledge and safety of their helmets.
I will post later as well when I start riding outside again on the feel and comfort of the helmet after a few rides. This will also be my helmet of choice for RAGBRAI L!