Biking Adventures through blog posts, photos, and videos
10 Days to RAGBRAI L
10 Days to RAGBRAI L

10 Days to RAGBRAI L

RAGBRAI L is almost here. 10 days before I head out on a bus to Sioux City, Iowa to start a week of riding across the state.

People have been asking me if I am ready and/or excited. Yes and yes. I may not show it externally, but internally the emotions are there.

The Salsa Cutthroat is in the shop for inspection before the ride. A new rear tire and a good once over by the best mechanic/bike shop in SW Wisconsin. Momentum Bikes and Corey. I am packed-ish, need to get the bike back and put the bags on and see if I can fit everything I want to. I am wanting to go self-supported-ish on this adventure, but we will see if that happens.

I will need to test setup the tent and all that camping stuff. From online videos looks super easy…so we will see.

I will try to update as I go from overnight town to overnight town. I was going to say I am going to bring my GoPro, I don’t think that will happen. I will have my phone with me and I will take videos and pictures with that. With the GoPro I have found out that when I take a video with it, it just sits on the memory card and I don’t do anything with it. With the camera on my phone, I tend to take pictures and shorter videos that I will post right away.

Keep an look out for me on the road!

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