Biking Adventures through blog posts, photos, and videos
Parking…check, excitement…check
Parking…check, excitement…check

Parking…check, excitement…check

Another short update. Earlier this week got the parking pass for long term parking in Davenport. Things are getting real. Roughly 38 more days before RAGBRAI L. Time to start making a packing list, purchase list, and keep on biking with added weight to my Cutthroat. also will be taking the bike in to Momentum Bikes for a good once over to make sure things are in ship shape and ready for the event. I will need to get a new  rear tire soon. Put over 1000 miles on these tires and the rear could use replacing.

Getting excited for sure. Also need to setup the tent at least once before RAGBRAI. Maybe this weekend or during the week next week.

If by chance you are reading this page and are going to RAGBRAI see you there in the sea of people!

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